Return Policy.
- Return is applicable only within 30 days of the delivery date.
- In case the wrong size is shipped from our side, a return label will be sent.
- In case of broken/missing parts of shoes/apparel or quality issues with a particular order, we will be sending the return label and replacing the product after checking the returned product.
- In case the product ordered by the customer does not fit, customer can send the product back to our warehouse and claim an exchange or refund - Under this circumstance, the shipping cost will be borne by the customer.
- To exchange any items in your order, place a new order online for the item that you would like, and return the item you wish to exchange. Due to rapidly changing inventory, this will assure that you will get the item and size that you want.
- All requests are accepted within 30 days from the delivery of the products and cancellations will be accepted within 1 hour of placing the order.
- On returns for sale or clearance items: Returns or Exchange will not be accepted.
The only exception will be if the shoe/Apparel is being returned due to a manufacturing defect or a shipping error from Velin Fashion.
Product Return/Exchange Conditions:
- All products must be packed in the original unmarked and unaltered packaging including any material/s shipped with the product. Upon receiving your return, the item will be reviewed. Please note that any items worn or damaged in any way cannot be accepted for return.
- Returns and packages that are improperly packaged will not be processed for return.
- Velin Fashion LLC does not permit the return of worn or used merchandise.
Costing and Price Modification
- Velin Fashion LLC reserves the right to change prices for products displayed on the website at any time. Any price changes will not affect any order that Velin Fashion has already accepted. Once the product is delivered to the customer Velin Fashion is not responsible for the difference in price during the Sale change, no refund is applicable once an order is placed and the Sale changes.
- Once we receive and approve your returned merchandise, we will issue a Refund as suitable according to the above points.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have,
For Sales contact us on email:
For any other concern contact us on email: support@velinfashion.